Top 3 Representative Fat Hormones and How To Stop Them From

Fat hormones, also known as adipose hormones or adipokines, are signalling molecules produced by adipose tissue (body fat) that play a significant role in regulating various physiological processes in the body, including metabolism, appetite, energy balance, and inflammation.


TOP 1. Insulin

Are you always hungry and craving carbs even after eating?

You don’t lose weight even if you don’t think you eat much.

You may have insulin resistance or are close enough to it.

What is Insulin?

: Insulin is the primary anabolic hormone produced in the pancreas, which helps to move glucose into your cells to use as energy.

Main functions: Regulating glucose level, body’s metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, storing glucose in your liver, muscles and fat

So, what is insulin resistance?

: It’s a resistance to insulin hormone, which doesn’t function efficiently from various causes, resulting in increased sugar in your blood when you have one.

 Insulin controls the right amount of sugar (glucose) in your blood, allowing you to use the body energy needed daily efficiently.

But your body won’t respond well to insulin, causing the glucose not to enter your cells as quickly, which builds up the residue of glucose in your blood, leading to type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance has no symptoms but some signs you may experience below,

  • Absence of menstruation

  • Excessive hairiness

  • Acanthosis nigricans or skin tag

  • Waistline: over 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women or obesity

  • fasting triglyceride level: over 150 mg/dl

  • fasting glucose level: over 100 mg/dl

  • HDL cholesterol level: under 40 mg/dl for men and 50 mg/dl for women

  • High blood pressure: 130/85 mmHg 0r higher or taking medication to control HBP (High blood pressure)


Many people don’t know they have insulin resistance until developing type 2 diabetes. However, you can prevent the risk of developing diabetes if you find you have insulin resistance early enough. (Check with your doctor if you have symptoms of insulin resistance such as haemoglobin A1c level, fasting blood glucose test or glucose tolerance test.)


People may experience when you have type 2 diabetes below.

  • Excessive hunger, thirst, or fatigue

  • Unintended weight loss or gain

  • Frequent urination

  • Blurry vision or poor wound healing




· Try a lower-carb diet plan such as a Keto diet or Mediterranean diet.

· Intake less sugar, and eat complex carbs such as sweet potato, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, or brown rice

·Eat more soluble fibre

·Lose weight if you are overweight

·Eat more fatty fish and good fat such as nuts, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, or MCT oil.

·Being active such as gardening, walking, regular exercise, or yoga

·Many studies show that the main benefit of regular exercise is reducing insulin resistance and increasing insulin sensitivity.

·Add some cinnamon to your food.

TOP 2. Cortisol

What is Cortisol?

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone produced by adrenal glands, which increases sugars in your bloodstream, enhances your brain’s usage of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

When you have high cortisol, you may experience as below.

a. Weight gain, especially in your face, belly, and fatty deposits between your shoulder blades

b. Muscle weakness in your upper arms and thighs, weak bones or fractures

, c. High blood pressure and high blood sugar can become type 2 diabetes

d. Wide, purple stretch marks on your belly



a.     Stress management

When you are under a high level of stress, your body system will produce cortisol hormone then, you may experience weight gain, especially in your face and belly, fatty deposits between your shoulder blades, muscle weakness in your upper arms and thighs, weak bones or fractures, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar which can turn into type 2 diabetes, wide, purple stretch marks on your belly.

b.     Be happy 

·       Dopamine is the happy hormone that drives your brain’s reward system.

·       Serotonin is a mood hormone that can be boosted by regular exercise.

·       Oxytocin is a hormone that can be boosted by being loved or loving someone.

·       Estrogen, testosterone, and Progesterone: Imbalanced hormones can affect mood and stress hormones such as cortisol and interfere with the secretion, action, and function of two happy hormones.


c. “Me” Time

: It helps your busy brain to unwind from stress, giving you a better night’s sleep, controlling your moods and patience, and focusing on living in the moment resulting in producing more happy hormones and fewer stress hormones. 


d.     Sleep well

  • Maintaining a balanced melatonin hormone that plays a role in sleep

  • Quality sleep will give you a younger look because your body system increases collagen production, essential to healthy skin and cellular repair, managing immune function, blood pressure, cortisol levels, regeneration, and antioxidant action during sleep.

  • Turning off your electronics, such as a mobile phone 2 hours before bed can help stimulate melatonin production, which will help you to fall asleep

TOP 3. Estrogen

: Estrogen is the sex hormone that regulates the female reproductive system, female characteristics and sex drive and is primarily produced in a woman’s ovaries.

 When you have imbalanced estrogen, you may experience 

a. Irregular or no menstruation, 

b. More severe PMS or menopausal symptoms, 

c. Hot flashes, night sweats,

d. Mood swings, sleeping problems, 

e. Weight gain, low sexual drive, 

f. Fatigue, depression, or dry skin.




Regular Exercise can help balance your estrogen hormone levels by increasing lean muscle mass. In addition, being physically active can improve your brain health, strengthen bones and muscles, and reduce the risk factors for diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.


*This is an example of 25 Min weight training*

(Please consult a certified personal trainer if you are a beginner in weight training.)

1.   Leg

·       Dumbbell squat 20Rep x 2 Sets

·       Leg press 20Rep x 2 sets

·       Leg extension 20Rep x 2 sets

2.     Shoulder, Chest, Back and Arms

·       Dumbbell shoulder press 20Rep x 2 sets

·       Dumbbell lateral raise 20Rep x 2 sets

·       Dumbbell chest press 20Rep x 2 sets

·       Dumbbell arm curl 20Rep x 2 sets

·       Deadlift 20Rep x 2 sets

3.     Abdomen

·       Crunches 20Rep x 2 sets

·       Leg raises 20Rep x 2 sets

·       Sideband 20Rep x 2 sets


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